Do you wish there was a way to just eat what you want and still lose weight? Is it a constant fight of will to cut down on delicious foods such as pasta, cakes, breads, potato chips and ice cream? All of these are filled with fat and carbohydrates.  If you, like most Americans, said yes then you are like millions of others. Now there is an answer! With our new Dietrine Fat & Carb Blocker there is  a 100% safe and stimulant free natural product that can block fat and carbs.  Dietrine Fat & Carb Blocker is our new and exclusive formulation of non-stimulant, all-natural botanical, research-supported,  ingredients.

How Does Our Fat & Carb Blocker Work?

When you eat the foods you love, like carbs, (carbohydrates) your body converts those carbohydrates which are  found in starchy foods such as potatoes and pasta, into sugar. Your body has an enzyme that is produced in the pancreas called alpha amylase. Alpha amylase breaks down the carbohydrate molecule.

Then the sugar calories are either burned off as you exercise, or are stored as fat cells. If you intake more calories than you burn through exercise these stored fat cells accumulate. The result is weight gain. Dietrine Fat & Carb Blocker contains our  exclusive, all-natural nutritional ingredient Phase 2®. Phase 2® is a natural  compound extracted from white kidney beans. Phase 2® "neutralizes" alpha amylase, the digestive enzyme, before it can convert starch from carbohydrates into glucose and then fat. Essentially, this allows fat and carbs to pass through the digestive system with less caloric intake.* The starch blocker in Dietrine Fat & Carb Blocker has been clinically proven to reduce the absorption of starch by 66%-75%. This results in significantly less net caloric intake. You can eat want you want and still lose weight!

Are Carb Blockers Safe?

Yes! Phase 2® and all the ingredients in Dietrine Fat & Carb Blocker are effective and absolutely 100% safe . Are ther side effects? No Dietrine Fat & Carb Blocker has no known side effects. Is Dietrine Fat & Carb Blocker  a natural product? Yes, Dietrine Fat & Carb Blocker  is a 100% natural product.. There are no known interactions with any other herbal dietary supplement or drugs. Our 100% natural Carb Blocker contains no ephedra, no ma huang, no ephedrine and no stimulants of any kind.  Dietrine Fat & Carb Blocker is extremely safe if taken as directed.

Don't Be Confused By Low-Priced Imitations!

Dietrine Fat & Carb Blocker contains 100% of the genuine Phase 2 Starch Neutralizer®. Do not be fooled by cheap products that may contain a generic white kidney bean extract plus some Phase 2. Remember, as with most things in life,  you get what you pay for!!! These cheap imitation products may NOT contain 100% of the Phase 2® extract and will not work as well or at all. Our Dietrine Fat & Carb Blocker product is manufactured right here in the United States of America in a fully certified and cGMP-compliant,  manufacturing facility. A higher quality product cannot be purchase anywhere, and we stand behind its 100% potency and effectiveness.

What is Phase 2?

Phase 2� is a 100% nutritional ingredient. It is an amazing, non-stimulant, that is naturally derived from the white kidney bean through our exclusive, proprietary process. As a fat, carb, and starch blocker it is the first nutritional ingredient that has been clinically & scientifically proven to neutralize fat, carbs, and starches. These fat, carbs, and starches are found in high concentrations in our favorite foods like, pasta, rice, potatoes, breads, corn and crackers. Phase 2® is the only safe yet totally powerful nutritional ingredient, which has been clinically studied to reduce the absorption of fat and carbohydrate calories. Phase 2® allows you to enjoy whatever you love without absorbing all the calories.

Accept No Substitute

Dietrine Fat & Carb Blocker with Phase 2® is the first natural ingredient that meets these high standards of excellence through clinical research Read more about the Clinical Studies.

Dietrine Fat & Carb Blocker with Phase 2® has demonstrated clinical efficacy through several recent U.S. university-based human studies.

Dietrine Fat & Carb Blocker with Phase 2® has demonstrated safety through LD50 studies, the gold standard test for acute and chronic toxicity.

The white kidney beans used to make Phase 2® are non-GMO (genetically modified) while the extraction process uses purified water - no solvents!!

Virtually all impurities are removed during extraction process.


When you order your first shipment of Dietrine, you not only get the only and best Fat & Carb Blocker opn the market today, but you will also be automatically signed up to get free lifetime membership access to our exclusive results-based online fitness program. This valuable information is exclusively for Dietrine members, and is not available elsewhere or to the general public. Be sure to check out our Health Resource Center on line as soon as you receive your first order,. The suggestions given there can help ensure your successful weight loss.

There you will find our customized exercise programs, easy  follow diet plans, a state of the art fitness tracking systems, and much much more. Your Dietrine Program will give you a fast and effective weight management system. Place your order now to start re-discovering the real you.

Learn more about the healthy weight management on our Health Links page.

By Ordering Today you get 2 FREE Bonuses

FREE Bonus # 1 - Weight Loss Hypnosis Audio Download $75.00 FREE

FREE with any purchase receive the most powerful mind programming technique ever developed. Just listen to the soothing voice of a highly skilled Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy...right in the privacy of your own home...for a fraction of what you would pay for private sessions...and WATCH THE POUNDS MELT OFF.

FREE Bonus # 2 E-Book with 71 Proven Weight Loss Techniques $50.00 FREE

You will receive these techniques for FREE by ordering today. Even If You've Never Succeeded at Losing Weight Before... Even If You Have Stubborn Fat Deposits That Don't Seem To Budge... Right Here on This eBook you will find the Fat Loss Success tips you've been looking For!

Money-Back Guarantee

With our product you can't lose. In fact, we're so sure of your success that we are offering all of our customers a risk-free guarantee up to six months of your original purchase. The deal is this: try our product for yourself to see the great results. If you're not happy with your purchase, then simply return the used packaging after you are finished for a full refund less processing fee shipping and handling.
